Smart Meter

Smart Measurements for Smart Decisions
Smart meters are intelligent devices for the measurement of power consumption. Contrary to mechanical power meters, they provide for the digital measurement of consumption behaviour, thus allowing for more detailed analyses. As a result, it becomes easier to detect power guzzlers in the system and replace them with energy-saving devices with flexible, sustainable tariffs. Smart meters collect consumption data and forward them – secured and encrypted – to the provider through a smart meter gateway, via the power grid or wireless connections.
The challenge in selecting components for smart meters lies in reconciling the four core requirements of security, reliability, cost efficiency, and space. We have selected our Linecard manufacturers specifically on the basis of these criteria, and as your design partner, we will be happy to accompany you from product idea to market introduction and beyond.
Our Expertise for Smart Products
We can support you in the development of a smart meter with know-how and components from different areas. They include:
- Attractively priced low-power management solutions
- Extremely small Narrowband IoT modules
- Miniaturised capacitors
- High-quality precision resistors for current measurement
- Application-optimised transformers
- Quartz crystals with long-term stability
- Customised contacting solutions
- Flexible FFC/FPC cables and connectors
We see ourselves not only as classical distributors, we also offer you both our knowledge and experience, as well as access to the detailed know-how of our manufacturers. We will be happy to discuss the different solution approaches directly in your company together with you.