SENSORY is a technology development house that licenses embedded AI to differentiate products and make them safer and easier to use.
SENSORY’s flexible wake word, small to large vocabulary speech recognition, and natural language understanding technologies are fueling today’s voice revolution. Additionally, its biometric recognition technologies are making everything from unlocking a device to authenticating users for digital transactions faster, safer and more convenient.
Contact PersonSENSORY - a specialist in speech recognition
The products of SENSORY include a Truly Hands free SW Suite. The SENSORY·s TrulyHandsfree™ Voice Control speech recognition technology delivers customizable wake words, small to medium-sized command sets, speaker identification and speaker verification models. The TrulyHandsfree™ technology has been included in products ranging from mobile phones, tablets. PCs, loT, to wearables, hearables, medical equipment, and vehicles, is used widely in the automotive market around the globe.
Another popular Software from SENSORY is the TrulyNaturalLanguage, a state-of-the-art small-footprint, scalable in size and features, speaker-independent recognizer of Language. Many applications don’t need or want to rely on cloud-based connection to do high-performance speech recognition for privacy protection.
Others seek a client/cloud distributed system with optimal performance. The market concerns regarding privacy, performance and bandwidth are driving more processing to the edge. TrulyNatural (TNL) is the natural language speech recognition solution for these needs.